
Two talented young Italian documentary filmmakers Ludovico de Maistre and Massimillano Manzo, working with the United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), take us into the world of Syrian refugees. Being with Refugees compares the life...

The Students’ Union of the University of Toronto in partnership with Lifeline Syria screened the film Salam Neighbor on February 23, 2021. The filmmakers Zach Ingrasci and Chris Temple received permission from the United Nations...

News Release! New initiative to sponsor 100 Syrian BVOR refugees TORONTO, ONTARIO. September 20, 2018. An additional 100 Syrian refugees will be resettled in Canada under the BVOR program before the end of this year, under a new...

As Syria staggers into its sixth year of a brutal civil war, almost 12 million people – fully half the country’s population – are homeless, including 6.5 million internally displaced people inside Syria and 4.8 million refugees outside the...